DATES: May 6th - June 2nd
[jef]Frey Michael Austin, Michael Chambers, Meg Eastwood, Grace Gebhard, Lauren Grudzien, Mariel Harari, Lee Kathryn Hodge, Greg " Vito" Johnson, Michael Kendall, Millicent Kennedy, Kaius Kirby, Naomi Lares, Sally Traxler-Lavengood, Cebe Loomis, Agustina Mendez, Ryan Michel, Maclovio Orozco, Heriberto Quiroz, Nico Rafael Ramirez, Liv Sciford, Anika Steppe, Nicolas Tovar, Francis Zaander
This show is a collection of works from over 20 Pilsen based artists. The works include paintings, photography, sculpture, and mixed media pieces. This is a juried show, judged by Ramiro Huizar. Honorable Mention Write Up: